Both Address the Same Points through Different Means (2)

>> Sunday, January 7, 2007

Acupuncture and acupressure known as Zhen Jiu and Zhi Ya respectively, are the best known of all traditional Chinese methods to treat health conditions. Acupuncture is now a very popular alternative therapy for arthritis pain relief and acupressure makes use of the same points without using any needles, as the fingers are enough.

A person suffering from nausea may be given acupressure as means of providing relief and this is achieved by pressing down hard with the thumb or finger on the groove that lies between two large tendons running from the base of the palm all the way up to the elbow. Using acupuncture, the same could be achieved through puncturing the skin with long, thin needles.


Both Address the Same Points through Different Means (1)

Acupuncture and acupressure are different since the former causes the skin to be punctured with very thin and long needles and it has to be performed by a practitioner who is experienced in traditional Chinese medicine whereas acupressure can be learnt from a handbook and a person may even perform a miniature massage on oneself, anywhere. Also, acupressure has been practiced long before acupuncture became known and that is another difference between acupuncture and acupressure.
In addition, since acupuncture requires using a tool it needs greater accuracy to bring quick relief whereas acupressure is less precise since one only the finger is used as a tool. There may also be some side effects as a result of acupuncture that are caused due to release of toxins or through realignment of the muscle groups. Acupuncture and acupressure thus have different effects on the patient with acupressure having fewer side effects and this may be somewhat akin to deep tissue massages where there is also less scope of doing wrong to the patient.


Acupuncture and Acupressure: Needles vs. Fingers

Acupuncture and acupressure are different; because acupuncture makes use of thin needles while addressing health concerns, acupressure does not break the skin. That is not to say that the two are poles apart and in fact they have much in common since both are centered on touching meridians which carry energy or chi right through a person’s body.
Traditional Chinese medicine says that ailments occur due to blockage of chi in any of the fourteen different meridians and both acupuncture and acupressure advocate energy to flow without blockages. One or both are used to treat allergies, depression, nausea, migraine headaches, arthritis, menstrual cramps as well as anxieties.


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